You know what's real dumb? I'm making this site myself, keep that in mind when I tell you; Back in the day when I made sites like this on GeoCities and AngleFire I absolutely hated an about section. So why in the world would I make one when I'm typing out all the code and making each page? Because I'm dumb. Because I really want to capture that feel of an old page at a more simple time on the internet.
So between late 2020 and early 2022 I had a pretty healthy following and activity on TikTok. It was one of the most fulfilling things I have ever done. I will always appreciate that strange, scary and exciting time of my life. I'm mostly making this site as a joke, because "lame" or "cringe" is kinda funny to me, but that is one of the few serious things you'll find here. Because what is life, but a massive joke with a few serious moments sprinkled throughout.
What else should I say about myself? I'm an elderly man in terms or the internet being in my late 30s. I've been known as muffin or undeadmuffin for just over 20 years. Which seems crazy because I grew up kind of poor and didn't have an internet capable computer until late September of 2001. For some reason, about midway through the month the school threatened to put any child without internet access at home in foster care. Which is really fucked up when you think about it, so my parents bought two cheap ass windows 95 machines from some seller a few towns over. I quickly became addicted to the internet. Before that night, I had no idea how the internet worked, let alone it's limitations. I used it to read a bunch of Resident Evil fan stories and write my own.
Well there I went into an old man rant. Sadly I have done that since I was about 13 years old. Back then these rants were jokes. Sometime in my early 20's it became only half a joke. Then by my 30's I had turned fully old crusty ass man. Remember, if you do something young ironically, it may very well become a core part of who you are. Fuck, I forgot how to put this text on the other side...