You may know me from TikTok or you just stumbled across this pitiful desperate attempt to hold onto a feeling from a bygone era where the internet felt a lot like exploring the virgin woods rather than being given the nine-hundredth guided tour of an office for the day. So I hope you enjoy your stay on my little cringe corner of the internet.
I don't really see me finishing this site. I just wanted to see if I still had any HTML skills after about 20 years of not touching the stuff. It is safe to say that I have no clue what I'm doing and I should be ashamed of myself. So if you come here and things are still not fully working, this is why. If things are fully working then you will not be seeing this message. Also it's 2025 now and that means I've been using the name Undeadmuffin for 20 years. So that's some wild shit.
I'm going to be making big changes over time. I think I might remove the blog as I don't think I'm mentally well enough to have any kind of blog. If I do, it might become something hidden within the site.